Sunday, June 1, 2014

       Oh my! What a week!  I did manage to leave Conroe, Texas, and my dear friends, Colleen and Clyde Hunter, last Monday morning, May 26, at around 7 AM.  It is normally about a twelve hour drive to my friends in Roswell, Georgia.  However, with "pit" stops, weather and a flat tire, I believe it was 9 PM when I arrived.  It was on I-12 when I experienced the flat.  Fortunately the highway had a wide shoulder with a very wide expanse of grass beyond so pulling off to the side of the road was no issue.  Thank God for AAA and cell phones!  While I was waiting for AAA I sat in the car with air conditioning running and worked on my blog.  It was a very productive time!  After about an hour I was back on the road.  With the aid of books on CD, the driving time passed rather easily until I was about an hour away from my destination.  Then the heavens opened up and the rain came down!  Everyone kept moving, however, slowly and with the warning flashers blinking.  Traffic was moving at maybe 25-35 miles per hour and I didn't want to stop and pull to side of road for fear of being rear ended. This lasted about 30 minutes and then the weather improved.  Needless to say, it felt good to arrive at Tom and Bonnie LeBoutillier's house around 9 PM.  Or was it 9:30?
       First priority on Tuesday was to fix my flat and change my oil.  Can you believe, I have traveled over 4000 miles so far on this trip.  Tom took me down to the Toyota dealer and I had my oil changed and they did not have the proper replacement tire and directed me to a store that did.  Tom and Bonnie treated me to great barbecue restaurant for lunch.  Thank you, Tom, for taking such good care of me!
      On Wednesday, it was the girls day out, and first priority was obtaining a pressed penny!  Bonnie took me to the Southern Museum for Civil War and Locamotive History in Kennesaw, Georgia.  I highly recommend the museum if you are ever in the area.  The railroads were very important logistically to both the Confederate and Union Military.  I had never realized this until I went to this museum.  You can read more about this if you visit their website and also read about the train the Union soldiers attempted to steal from the Confederates.  After the museum we had a late lunch at a Cracker Barrel.  Did you know they have books on CD available to rent?  After a book is completed, just drop it off at any Cracker Barrel.  How great is that!  On the way back to Bonnie's house we stopped and looked at the Marietta National Cemetery.   This was not part of the plans at the beginning of the day but, for me was the most memorable part.  It was a beautiful cemetary on rolling hills and very moving!  See the pictures below.  Wednesday evening Tom took the family and me out to their favorite restaurant.   I had a great bowl of french onion soup but, I think the best part was spend time with their son Jonathan.  He is a senior at Georgia Tech in Atlanta and was leaving the next morning for New York City.  He and another student are interning with Wells Fargo Bank at a trading desk.  How exciting is that!  Jonathan is a wonderful young man with a bright future.  I was grateful to spend some time with him and get to know him a little better.
        I must thank Tom and Bonnie for providing a place to rest and refresh on my long journey!  It was wonderful to spend time with both of you and Jonathan and reconnect.  What great friends with which God has blessed me.  I am reminded of this with each of my stops along my journey.
       Well the next day I was on the road again.  Hmm, that is a song isn't it?  I was pleased to have a shorter drive this day.  It is only an eight hour drive from Roswell to Botkins, Ohio, however, with all my stops it took me about ten hours and I arrived at my cousin's, Jeff, about 7 PM.  When I arrived a nice dinner was waiting and it was enjoyable visiting and catching up with my cousins, Jenny and Jeff Wical, before turning in for the night.  The next day found me grocery shopping and baking.  I baked two red cakes for the following day.  My sister's ashes were interned on Saturday May 31st.  She actually passed away on May 27, 2013, but due to my work schedule, I could not stay for bural so it was planned to have it when I returned to Ohio.  My mom was aways known for her red cakes and so I wanted to bake one in honor of her and my sister, Sandy.  Knowing my family, I knew one would not be enough so two cakes it was!  All in all, it was a wonderful Saturday.  The weather was perfect and friends and family had a wonderful time visiting.
        Today, Sunday, June 1st, I attended my home church, Botkins United Methodist.  Pastor Randy Locker had a wonderful message about being a Christian and how our actions speak louder than words.  SO TRUE!  Again I was able to see several of the congregation who I knew from years gone by.  I also must mention how appreciative my family is for the presence of Pastor Locker at sister Sandy's internment yesterday.  What a comfort he had been through through Sandy's dying process and funeral.  It is a comfort for me to be in his presence, so I thank you, Pastor Locker.  Also at church today it was great to see the construction started on the elevator Sandy felt was so needed at the church and so left start up money for that purpose.  Sandy, you had not been an active member at church except every November when you went to help with the election day community meal but, your memory will live on with the building of the elavator.  You might wonder why Sandy only went once a year to church.  Well, she lived an hour away but every year she would return and help our mom at the election day meal.  On election day, our church would raise money by having a dinner, open to the public, and convenient since it was across the street from where people voted.  After Mom died, Sandy continued to go and help every November.
       Well it looks like I will have a busy week ahead but will write another entry in a few days.

Leaving Texas and into Louisiana

I don't think I am in "Kansas" anymore! Yikes! This is at the first rest stop/welcome center in Louisiana. 

Nope, won't be taking a hike either!  This sign is at same rest stop as above.

This is not the best picture but wanted to share it.  It is a beautiful little wild flower at the same rest stop as above signs. These were quite prolific in one part of rest stop.  They reminded me of sparklers.

Yes!  Another pressed penny from the Bass Pro Shop in Denham Springs, Louisiana

I missed getting Georgia state line picture. Rats!

Bonnie in front of the Southern Museum for Civil War and Locomotive History

Ahhh, the precious pressed penny from the museum!

Marietta National Cemetery

I was surprised that the state was listed on the cemetery markers.  This soldier was from Ohio.

My dear friends, Jonathan,  Bonnie and Tom LeBoutillier

Bonnie in front of their beautiful clematis.

On the road again and crossing into Tennessee

Hmmm, I see horses!  I must be in Kentucky!

Finally!  Ohio!

Cincinnati skyline from I-75

Burial of sister Sandy's ashes 

Sandy's dearest friends Charlene, by the car door and Maureen sitting in the car due to health reasons. Pastor Randy is talking with me.

My nephew,  Johnny, my brother, John, and my niece, Mary

Cousins Robin and Jenny at the gathering after Sandy's burial.


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