Thursday, June 26, 2014

       I can't believe it has been a week since my return from Oregon/Washington.   Upon returning to Ohio on Tuesday morning, June 17th, I went back and stayed another week with Charlene while she recuperated from her total knee replacement.
She had some rough days at the beginning of the week, but was feeling much better towards the weekend.  On Friday I drove up to Wapakoneta where my brother, John, lives and we went over to visit old neighbors from our childhood.  Mary Boyer, the mother, is 92 years old now and looks and acts in her 70's! An amazing woman! Bobby Boyer went to school with my brother and sister and he and his wife use to live down the street from John in Wapak but moved to the Austin, Tx. area many years ago. They were visiting from Texas and so we gathered at Mary's for a get together.  Kathy or Kathleen Boyer Wise and I went to school together and had many great times together until my my family moved from the country into Botkins.  Kathy and I one summer prior to 6th grade took a long summer bike ride along the country roads and must have road 15 to 18 miles.  We had packed a sack lunch and sat along a country road and ate it. In the afternoon we became thirsty and stopped at a farmhouse and asked the lady for some water to drink.  She asked if she could make a sandwich for us and there we were with not only water to drink but another sandwich.  Kathy and I were gone all day, our mothers not really knowing where we were going and had no reason to be concerned. And remember back then there were no cell phones.  As Archy Bunker might say, "Those were the days!"  Kathy and Bobby also made tunnels though their hay bales which was great fun!  I am sure their dad, Jim, helped with that project.  Great memories!
         After our visit with the Boyers, my brother and I went back to his house and  had a nice visit.  At 4 PM I went to a viewing of a classmate's father, Bob George, who had passed away.  Ed George and his wife, Yvonne, were both classmates of mine and retired to Tennessee.  It was nice to spend a few minutes with them.
         Then it was onto Botkins to have dinner with cousin Jeff Wical. He had talked with another cousin and we met at the Sidney VFW for a fried chicken dinner. See picture below.  Following dinner it was off to a local school to listen to the community band perform. I was very impressed with the talent. I left at intermission so I could drive back to Farmersville at a reasonable time.  I stayed with Charlene on Saturday and Sunday and since she was doing much better, thought it time I move on and so here I am back at cousin Jeff's in Botkins. However, Charlene and I did get out for an outing before I left.  I had noticed some an interesting mural in Miamisburg and wanted to get a picture so I drove and Charlene provided the directions.
         Miamisburg was first called Hole's Station because in 1797 Zachariah Hole settled his family on sight and built a stockade for protection from the Indians.  In 1818 four men from Pennsylvania bought 90 lots and the town was named Miamisburg for the Miami Indians in the area.  This is also the sight for the largest conical Indian burial mound east of the Mississippi River.  This information was obtained from the City of Miamisburg website.  The village of Farmersville where Charlene lives was first plotted in 1832 by Oliver Dalrymple who was the local store and tavern owner.  He named the town in honor of his friends and neighbors who were farmers.  It currently has a population of around 1000 people.  My heart belongs in these small towns.  And the support Charlene received from her friends and neighbors reinforced why I love these small communities.
          On Tuesday, classmate Linda Limbert and I drove to Dayton to a consignment store, Home 2 Home, to find good deals on Longaberger baskets.  Charlene had clued me into this store and it was a great place to find fantasic deals on these beautiful hand made baskets.  After shopping Linda and I had to stop at the Waffle House for lunch. This was my sister, Sandy, favorite place and my dear Jeffrey was quite fond of it as well.  After returning to Botkins I helped Linda finish spreading mulch around her flower beds.  My motto is "have shovel will travel".  It was fun spending some quality time with a dear friend and finishing off the visit with some delicious ice cream with her home grown berries on top!  The ending to a perfect day!

L-R in front: Mary Boyer with daughter Kathy Boyer Wise
Back row: Candy Boyer, Bobby Boyer, Roy Wise, John Wical

Kathy, me, my brother John, Bobby

Cousin Robin Fogt at VFW

Jackie and cousin Denny Fogt at VFW

Cousin Jeff Wical at VFW

Sidney Civic Band

The above and below was to be a panoramic shot but it didn't work.  This is in Miamisburg. 

This is the sculpture across from the mural. I took a picture of the plaque but like the panoramic shot, I could not find it.

Celebrating Charlene's birthday on her back patio.
L-R. Cathy, Charlene's sister, Wynita, their mother, and Charlene

Beautiful tiger lilies that grow wild along the ditches.  Charlene says everyone calls them ditch lilies. 

Ah, finally I picture of me working!  Spreading a little mulch with classmate Linda Limbert.

Yes! My Longaberger baskets a bought for a steal at the consignment shop, Home 2 Home, in Centerville!!  A good day!!

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