Thursday, May 1, 2014

       Well, I arrived in Denver yesterday, at my niece's, Danielle, apartment.  I must, however, correct the travel time to Denver from Sheridan.  In the previous entry I had said it was a 6 hour drive. NOT!  Aunt Cathy was correct. It is more like 7.5 hours. Staying within the speed limit does lengthen the journey but, is more economical!  I was able to stop in Casper, Wy., and pick up another pressed penny for my collection. An interesting tidbit about the spelling of Casper, Wy.  This is actually a mispelling.  The town was named after a man whose name was spelled Caspar.  When the fort was rebuilt, the original spelling was used.  This is the reason for the 2 spellings.  See the picture below.
       After arriving yesterday, Danielle and i went to grocery, picked up dinner and spent the evening visiting.  Today we went to the Denver Botanical Gardens which was a wonderful experience, even so early in the season.  After coming back to apartment we took almost an 1.5 hour walk on the Cherry Creek Bike Path which is just a block from her apartment.  This is a great walking/biking trail that runs for miles.  A wonderful asset to the community.
       It was a very good day aside from a small mishap this evening.  I went to wash out one of my contacts, which was irritating my eye, and dropped it.  After looking and looking, I heard a suspicious crunch. I wear hard lenses. I now have one contact lens. I guess I will be making some phone calls in morning. Yikes!

Yeah! Another penny for the collection!

My niece, Danelle, at the Denver Botanical Garden.

One of the beautiful orchids.

Chinese white iris

This is stone walk way at the Botanical Gardens that represents the flow of water. 

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