Saturday, August 2, 2014

       On Thursday morning, July 24th, I drove from Rutland, Vermont, to Alexandra, Virginia.  I arrived at Jennifer Hugill's house around 6PM.  While I didn't drive into New York City, I could certainly see the city from the Garden State Parkway and took a picture of what I believe to be One World Trade Center.  It was quite a sight from afar and must be amazing up close.  It was wonderful to see Jennifer again!! I saw her last in August when I had driven with her from Lynden, Washington,  to St. Louis.  She was able to stay with me when Joe was given his terminal diagnosis and we both cared for her father till he passed.  Joe's sister, Lee, was equally involved and as sad as the experience was, it bonded Lee, Jennifer and I forever.  After Joe died in August last year we packed up, in a 26 foot U-Haul, what she wanted to take back to Virginia and attached Joe's car on the back, and drove east. I drove with her till St. Louis and then a friend drove with her the rest of the way. I flew back to Washington and returned to work as a substitute until another school nurse was hired.
        It was wonderful to spend some time with Jennifer and her roommate, Ally.  Jennifer had hoped to have Friday off but, she had to work.  This actually worked quite well for me since it gave me plenty of time to work on my blog.  Plus, Jennifer's friend, Danny, had a little sewing project for me.  It was a simple project, just sewing a couple hems in a curtain, so it did not take long.  There was a good reason I brought my sewing machine with me!!
          On Saturday, Jennifer and Ally took me into Washington D.C.  I had been there many years ago but there is so much that one forgets over time or does not notice the first time.  We parked and walked everywhere, or it seemed everywhere.  It was a warm day and when we finally decided on a location to obtain a pressed penny Jennifer had the best idea ever!  We took a bicycle taxi to the art museum where I could find a pressed penny machine.  Since it was several blocks, the taxi was a fabulous idea!  Well, we arrived at the museum and alas, it was the wrong one. YIKES!  When we finally figured out where the correct museum was, it was decided it was just to far on a hot day but, I did get some wonderful pictures and great memories!  I cannot thank Jennifer and Ally enough for being such great hosts!
         On Sunday I just wanted to take it easy and stay around the house since it was going to be another warm day.  I always like to get my hands involved in yard work so I got up early and did a little weeding around their patio.  Late morning we went to a local nursery to check out possible plants for their backyard but were very disappointed in the offerings.  So we decided to drown our disappointment in food!  Yes!  We went to a little Indian restaurant and the food was fabulous!  Their desserts looked even better but, we all showed great control and resisted indulging.
       Monday morning it was off to Tennessee and an overnight stay with my school friends from Botkins, Ed and Yvonne George.  I had not spent any time with Yvonne since the summer of 2012 when 12 of us friends from Botkins spent a week on the Oregon Coast.  I arrived mid afternoon at their home in Vonore, TN.  After visiting Ed took us on a boat ride to a lakeside restaurant, however, it was closed to the public on that evening.  So Ed took us back to the house and we hopped in cars and went to a local Mexican restaurant.  Since Yvonne had a meeting to attend after dinner she drove separately and I rode with her in her convertible!  It was a sporty little thing and so fun!  A boat ride followed by a ride in a sporty little convertible,  what more could I ask for?!  While Yvonne was at the meeting, I had a lovely visit with Ed and his mother, Evelyn George, who was visiting from Botkins.  It was so nice to have time to just sit and visit and I enjoyed it immensely.  Icing on the cake was Ed helping me set up my tablet for pod casts.  The visit was very short, but what a lovely visit. Thank you Ed and Yvonne for your wonderful hospitality.

On the way to Jennifer's house, I took this picture of the World Trade Center.  I don't know how many miles I was from it, but even from this distance I found it very impressive.

Jennifer, Ally and I had lunch at the oldest bar in Washington DC, Old Ebbit Grill. It is frequented by congressmen, etc., but we didn't recognize any on during this visit. The food was most delicious!

Notice the animal heads over the bar.

The Treasury Department is an impressive building.

Below is the Executive Office Building which sets to the side of the White House.  To some it has more impressive architecture then the White House.

Of course I can't talk about the nation's capital without having a picture of the White House.

This was fun to see! A segway tour.  They were in front of the White House.


These are the beautiful flowers Jennifer had waiting for me when I arrived!

Ally on the left and Jennifer on the right in front of their little garden.

                                             JenJen and me the morning I left.

                                         A pressed penny from Dixie Caverns! Yes!

                                       Evelyn George, me, Yvonne and Ed George.

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